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Hope    Health Education

Making a Difference Today

what we do

Our mission is to empower and equip  Kiminini, a rural Kenyan community, to care for its most vulnerable members.  We mainly focus on widows, susceptible children, the sick, and the impoverished.  We have developed a program with the community, providing family-based care for disenfranchised children, run by compassionate Kenyan staff, and we are thrilled by the miraculous progress achieved!  Vulnerable youngsters in the community, who had limited futures,  are now graduating from high schools, polytechnic schools, colleges, and universities!  

vulnerable children


Our disenfranchised children live in families, not in orphanages. Often they are housed with a widowed grandmother or another relative. Without additional resources, these "guardians" are often unable to provide care. 

We furnish youngsters with school fees, supplies, required uniforms, shoes, healthcare, supplemental nutrition, and support from our compassionate social workers.


This care is not possible without sponsors.  Change a child's world for $50/month or $600 /year!  Let us know if you have a gender/age preference, or we can pick the neediest child for you!  Click the button below to email us regarding child sponsorship!

health care


OWI vulnerable children receive annual check-ups and medical care when needed.

OWI has been facilitating annual mobile medical clinics in collaboration with Kenyan medical professionals since 2004 and often partners with Global Health Partnership, Inc.  We provide medicines, supplies, and assist in running the clinics. Free treatment has been given to thousands of impoverished patients who previously had no access to healthcare.


If you are interested in participating in upcoming medical outreach, please click the button below to email us regarding your interest!

Make an impact today. Thank you!

who we are

Six ordinary women saw the abject poverty and limited health care in Kiminini, a rural Kenyan village, and knew they had to do something. Especially concerning were orphans and widows, rendered destitute due to tribal traditions.  Equipped with daring faith and compassion, they founded OWI 501 (c) (3)( EIN 04-3813690) in 2004 to effect change, create hope, and build better lives for Kiminini.  Working in tandem with locals, they have established a community farm, installed four wells, developed a sponsoring program for children’s education, built a community center, provided health clinics, presented educational events, and provided supplies during the COVID pandemic.

Wanting all donations to benefit the village directly, all stateside workers are volunteers, fundraising, advocating for children, and pursuing endeavors benefitting the community at large.  



Education is of utmost importance in stopping the cycle of poverty.  We provide school fees and support students through school and home visits.  We also offer academic camps to supplement learning.  Field trips and career days expand student horizons and inspire their imaginations.  Upon graduating from high school, we hope to provide basic computer classes and partial college scholarships (when funds allow).


how you can help

As a non-profit charity, we are constantly looking for additional funding to expand the number of vulnerable children we support and grow our efforts in Kiminini for greater impact.


Mission trips to Kenya

Join us on our 20th anniversary visit to Kenya and see the difference you make!  Our trip will include anniversary celebrations, assisting in mobile medical clinics,  celebrating the children in a huge, festive birthday party, visiting kids' homes and schools, etc.  In essence, you will be experiencing life in rural Kenya, making the world a better place, and topping it off with a bucket-list safari!


Our trip dates are 9/29 - 10/11, 2024

If  interested, please contact us by May 1, 2024 at

OC Marathon fundraiser

We have been participating in the OC Marathon running event as one of their charity partners for several years. 


2025 Dates

May 3 - 5K at 5:30 pm

May 4 - Full marathon at 5:30 am 

Half marathon at 6:30 am

 in Costa Mesa, CA


 Make Your Miles Matter!

 Instructions on how to register to Run for Free or to volunteer at our water station contact us at  


Teams Visiting Kiminini 2019 Video

Music by Reuben Kigame

Featuring Jayne Yobara and Sifa Voices

Bwana Ni Mchungaji Wangu

Psalm 23



Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Mark Twain


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Outreach to the World, Inc. ~ OWI

27525 Puerta Real, Suite 300-256

Mission Viejo, CA 92691

EIN 04-3813690

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